Monday, February 4, 2008


I live in the Gulf Coast region of the state of Louisiana. With the exception of Contraband Days, this is one of the biggest events in our area. Fat Tuesday, as it is celebrated down here, is a time of excess. It is a time of excess limited only by legislation and imagination. In fact, some laws are "overlooked" during this time so as not to spoil the fun and revelry. Fat Tuesday is a time to throw moderation to the wind and indulge one's self with the complete knowledge that the day after, known as Ash Wednesday, everything will be made right. In other words, sin does not account for much on Tuesday because it will be absolved on Wednesday. Or, we can sin today because grace will abound tomorrow.

The names of such Krewes as Bacchus, Endymion and Zeus, among others, ought to be a hint of what one could and should expect during this event. Gods and goddesses are venerated and celebrated with such enthusiasm as to convince one that they really exist. Oh c'mon Luke. These are not being worshiped. This is just a lot of people having fun. And my retort is this, "What fellowship does Jesus have with Baal?" As the people of God, we are to be separate from the base elements of this world. In the world, yes, but not of it! And what can be said of sinning today knowing we can have grace tomorrow? Romans chapter 6 is Paul's answer to such. GOD FORBID! To sin under the presumption of grace speaks at best of carnal Christianity and at worst, sin darkened hearts with no real knowledge of or relationship with the Light.

Do not envy the ways of southern Louisiana and Mardi Gras. Rather, pray that the true children of God would come out from this practice and recognize what a shame this is to the Only True God and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Blessed mommy and wife said...

Like Marc told me the a few weeks back when we were discussing something. His words hit me when he said "why would you even want to be a part of the worlds thinking". When you think of that and what Jesus taught to be in it but not "a part of it". We are to be a light to others not blend in with them. Great post and stay safe through tomorrow. God bless.

Luke said...

Great words. It raised an interesting thought in my mind. Is it really possible for darkness and light to blend together? I should think not. For where light is is the absence of dark and where dark is is the absence of light. Ask Marc if he is ready to teach Sunday School yet? We can use him here.

I'm still envious of the snow ya'll had.

Joy abundantly to you all.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous post, Luke. And so appropriate to our times. I'm afraid Fat Tuesday has become the 7 Days of Gluttony. No longer is this depravity reserved for one day in the year. In the name of tolerance, I'm afraid we've become the gluttons Paul speaks of in Corinthians. Oh that we not be yoked to the world. selahV

Luke said...

Mrs. V,
I heard one of Adrian Rogers' messages on the radio the other day. His statement went something like this. Christians are not citizens of earth trying to get to heaven. Rather, Christians are citizens of heaven sojourning on earth. If we are yoked to the earth, we'll face the same fate as Lot's wife.

Thanks for stoppin' in.

Groseys messages said...

Good thoughts Luke,
we are a "colony of heaven" here on earth, and we must be different or deny our true heritage.
Phil 3:19 Their end is destruction; their god is their stomach; their glory is in their shame. They are focused on earthly things, 20 but our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. 21 He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of His glorious body, by the power that enables Him to subject everything to Himself.


Luke said...


That will be a glorious day indeed when Christ comes again. It is my hope that when He comes, we, his people, will be found faithful stewards and can hear those words, Well Done!

And yet, when our eyes are off Jesus, it becomes easy to be enamored with the things of this world. But in the end, what foolishness and vanity it is.

Blessings downunder